Lower Similkameen Indian Band



Contact Employment Training Coordinator

OTDC has sponsored 13 individuals with Job Start Supports. The intervention results have been very rewarding and served as a positive vehicle for these individuals who utilized the variety fund. OTDC was able to assist them with transportation, purchases of safety gear, and tickets that would better their chances at full-time employment. I raise my hands up to all of you that have worked toward and achieved meaningful employment.

This year we started introducing Career Cruising to our students in School District #53 to give them a better start on their career goals. By identifying career matches based on their interests and skills, they can explore in-depth information on hundreds of occupations, including multimedia interviews, workplace photos, sample career paths, and more. Funding has become increasingly tough to access and with more planning they recognize they will be better prepared. It has been a valuable tool with participation from 18 youth...

Read our entire annual report in the: pdfOTDC Annual Report 2016/17

Past Reports

pdfOTDC Annual Report 2015/16

pdfOTDC Annual Report 2014/15

pdfLSIB Annual Report 2011/12

pdfLSIB Annual Report 20110/11

pdfLSIB Annual Report 2007/08

pdfLSIB Annual Report 2005/06

Karen Abramsen - OTDC Manager
Cell: 250-212-2999
Fax: (250) 707-8736
Suite 339, 101-1865 Dilworth Dr.
Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1

Debbie Conlin - OTDC Administrator
Cell: 250-550-6701
Fax: (250) 549-7175
Suite 339, 101-1865 Dilworth Dr.
Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1